2020 Best Builder Awards
For Outstanding Quality of Work and Effort
These Best Builders were awarded to the following 11 Companies. I have included the Company name, the award name, Project name and the location.
E. F. Wall & Associates, Inc.
New Building, Specialty Construction
Natural Resource Innovation
Roxbury Fish Culture Station
Roxbury, VT
Reconstruction of the Roxbury Fish Culture Station, completed in September of 2020, is the last of the State of Vermont’s Irene recovery projects. Established in 1891, this fish hatchery is Vermont’s oldest hatchery. The hatchery’s restoration is an important resource to the State of Vermont in providing approximately 25,000 pounds of fish production annually, roughly 50,000 fish.
Site work commenced in March 2019. It was a wet spring, and temporary diversion trenching was expanded, and sump pumps were set up to control surface and spring water. Once the site was dry, and with over two miles of underground piping, site and building construction were expedited during the summer and fall of 2019. Concrete foundations for the influent, pavilion, and effluent treatment buildings, as well as the sludge and clarifier structures, were all installed in this period. After foundations for the pavilion buildings were complete, concrete work for the pavilion tanks began – requiring a two-stage slab, the first to provide an insert for the stainless steel tanks, the second to provide the finished slab after the tanks were installed.
This project required 41 tons of rebar and 700 cubic yards of concrete.
The facility incorporated many technologies designed to improve the health of the fish stock, and the quality of water leaving the site.
The new process treatment system includes an effluent structure that collects the sediments which are separated and Twice a year, the nutrient rich solid waste is pumped to trucks and used to fertilize agricultural lands.
Site improvements in the facility include more efficient sediment and stormwater controls of surface waters designed to meet current Vermont stormwater regulations.
there was no lost time accident out of more than 23,000 person hours. This accident rate reflects the essential commitment and paramount importance E. F. Wall places on safety practices throughout its operations.
J. P. Sicard, Inc
Specialty Construction
Alternative Transportation Renovation
Colchester Causeway Recovery
And Mitigation
Colchester, VT
The Colchester Causeway Recovery & Mitigation was an opportunity to work outside our normal project scope and exhibit Sicard’s abilities to create a strong, aesthetic place for the community to recreate & enjoy nature without being intrusive.
The location and footprint of the project presented many challenges. Mother Nature made us aware of her presence. From ice buildup to large waves crashing over the top of the path washing out the work in progress. It was back to the drawing board for the engineers, to modify the design. Everyone persevered.
The pressure was on the Sicard crew to move deftly as the equipment was almost as wide as the surface area they had to work on. Due to single file travel area, equipment had to be scheduled at ingress & egress to keep production flowing.
J.P. Sicard devised a special grapple attachment that allowed them to handle the large stones needed to line the sides of the path. It facilitated blending function and beauty. Being able to place stones in the most stable positions possible yet maintaining the vision of the owner.
With the Coronavirus Pandemic contributing to the delay of project completion, J.P. Sicard and crew were recognized for being able to complete the project a month ahead of the revised deadline. The crew recognized the importance of the bike path being available during these times of limited activities.
Safety is paramount to every aspect of a J.P. Sicard, Inc. project. They held customized toolbox talks that were project specific, and safety meetings internally and externally J.P. Sicard was successful in implementing COVID-19 safety measures as they returned to the project. J.P. Sicard concluded a successful project with no injuries and positive community comments. And NO COVID.
Engineers Construction, Inc.
Highway, Specialty
Outstanding Innovation and Design
Micro-Tunneling Drainage for
Middlebury Tunnel Project
Middlebury, VT
ECI was the "micro" tunneling subcontractor to Kubricky Construction for construction of the deep stormwater conveyance pipes for the railroad "tunnel" project. The three 60-in-dia drainage "micro" tunnels were launched from a 40-ft-dia by 35-ft-deep launch shaft constructed in the heart of busy downtown Middlebury.
Drilling, blasting, and rock stabilization for the launch pit was performed by Maine Drilling & Blasting.
The three micro tunnel drives ranged from 140 to 152 feet long. The boring unit is mounted at the front of steel casings and jacked forward with an auger boring machine from inside the launch pit. The electrically motorized head rotates as the steel casing transfers the applied jacking force from the auger boring machine system.
Successful rock tunneling involves selection of the proper equipment, rock tooling, and tunneling techniques. The project and ECI were recognized in Trenchless Technology Magazine and will be included in a technical paper and presentation with the Robbins Company at the North American Society of Trenchless Technology (NASTT) No-Dig 2020 Conference in Denver.
Micro tunneling below the city streets minimized the impact to the residents and merchants in downtown. It also reduced excavation, dewatering, and schedule.
This early work package contract established the necessary drainage for the upcoming Middlebury Tunnel project that involved lowering the existing railroad tracks to meet current car clearance standards, replacing the Merchants Row and Main Street Bridges, and covering the opening between the bridges with green space for the downtown area. This new railroad underpass through the center of downtown is the essence of the "Middlebury Tunnel".
ECI performed the project with no injuries or safety incidents.
Connor Contracting, Inc.
Building / Green Renovation
Community Development Facility
Sara Holbrook Community Center
Burlington, VT
Connor Contracting Inc. managed renovating the existing building and completing a 7,000 SF addition at The Sara Holbrook Community Center. The work began with demolishing two homes, remediating urban soils, and relocating utilities. The renovation and addition were accomplished simultaneously. New elements included a two-story, combination of structural steel and wood frame addition.
The addition was designed to use every square foot of the property. The second floor of the addition was elevated on concrete columns allowing for vehicles to park beneath.
Connor assembled a high-quality team of subcontractors, provided constructability input, value engineering opportunities, coordinated donor tours, and ensured the project was completed successfully with safety, quality, and budget at the forefront of every decision.
One of the biggest challenges was managing the project within a tight work site. The Center is located on North Avenue in Burlington, creating logistical challenges for deliveries and use of equipment such as cranes and pump trucks.
The project had stringent requirements for building envelope tightness and a maximum air leakage of 0.15 CFM/SF. This was no small task, especially in the renovation of the 1960’s era block building.
Every aspect of the project was designed with environmental impact in mind. In addition to everything associated with the efficiency of the building, four large underground filtration chambers were installed to eliminate stormwater runoff from entering the city's stormwater system. The building was also roughed in for future roof mounted solar panels.
Green Mountain Traffic Control Inc.
Highway, Innovation
Transportation Safety and Implementation
GMTC Deploy of AFAD’s in Vermont
Southern Vermont
GMTC Deploys Automated Flaggers in Traditional Human Flagger Settings Throughout Southern Vermont
At the outset of the pandemic in March 2020 Green Mountain Traffic Control determined to diversify staffing needs by agreeing to a 3-year contract for AFADs, or Automated Flagger Assistance Devices. With the need for social distancing, AFAD usage allows a single certified flagger/operator to remotely operate up to four automated flagging units from a safe vantage point. This safety enhancement allows for minimization of a flagger’s direct exposure to traffic by allowing them to control traffic through the flagging devices.
While training and deploying the units was accomplished with ease, making in-roads with governmental partners and contractors was far more challenging. The MUTCD contains language in the use of automated flaggers for states that allow them; however, Vermont did not.
Initially, a Zoom meeting was organized for a video demonstration with the AFAD vendor. Invitations went out to VTrans representatives, GMTC staff, and AGC. Next, trainings were performed at a local town-owned park and ride. The first scheduled live deployment occurred late March 2020 on Route 11 in Chester Vermont. Participating were Green Mountain Power foremen and Green Mountain Traffic Control staff. Later, a VTrans representative participated in a Bethel, VT work site. All AFAD applications must abide by the specific standards set forth in the MUTCD Section 6E.04.
Since March, 2020 automated flaggers, specifically the Guardian Smartflagger, have been deployed in work zones throughout Southern Vermont. Whether the application is for night or day work, this addition to our workforce has proven to increase flagger safety and versatility and it is an essential tool in the flagger safety toolbox.
Munson Earth Moving Corp.
Heavy, Specialty Construction
Aquatic New Construction
Roxbury Fish
Culture Station Improvements
Roxbury, VT
In September 2019, Munson Earth-Moving was awarded a specified scope of work from E.F. Wall & Associates, Inc. for the Reconstruction and Improvements to the Roxbury Fish Culture Station in Roxbury, Vermont. This facility had been damaged in August 2011, when Tropical Storm Irene barreled through Vermont, leaving it in desperate need of upgrades and reconstruction.
Munson Earth-Moving Corp. was responsible for excavation and installation of process piping, precast concrete manholes and pump stations, and trenching for underground electrical and oxygenation lines. A total of 5,300 linear feet of pipe was installed at the site
In the spring of 2020, Munson returned to the project site to assist with the mass excavation and grading, placements of roadway gravels, renovations of the existing ponds, and surface restoration.
Munson’s accomplishments included utilizing multiple crews which needed to work in conjunction with and simultaneously with several other subcontractors, all while maintaining a safe working environment.
The new facility is something that Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife “will showcase as a topnotch modern fish culture station providing quality fish for anglers” while being committed to maintaining high water quality for discharge and protecting the White River watershed. The facility will also offer outreach opportunities to schools, weekend visitors, and other fisheries professionals.
Casella Construction, Inc.
Highway, Renovation
Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction
Brandon NH 019-3 (496)
Brandon, VT
Casella Construction, Inc. began construction in Brandon in 2017. This project included 1.3 miles of infrastructure with water lines, sewer lines, stormwater filtration, underground utilities, and roadways. It involved widening and changing traffic flow through town, sidewalks and curbs, pavement markings, signs, and signal work for Brandon.
It was essential to make updates while still retaining the character of the town. Casella worked with the town to maintain pedestrian and parking access to businesses and residences. To minimize impact, Casella broke the project into smaller pieces and scheduled milestone dates. This allowed Casella to have individual start and completion dates and minimized disruptions. It is important to note that traffic counts through this project were 5,700 cars daily.
One of the biggest challenges was maintaining existing systems while constructing a new system within its current alignment. Half of the town’s utilities converge within this project, with some of the utilities’ piping being over 100 years old. To mitigate hazards of buried unknowns in advance of construction, Casella worked to confirm service locations and perform exploratory excavations at potential conflict locations. Temporary system bypasses were utilized to maintain system operation, reducing the disruption of the 4000 residents within the project limits.
Kubricky Construction Corporation
Heavy Industrial
New Construction
Middlebury WCRS(23)
Bridge Replacement Project
Middlebury, VT
After regulatory approvals, CM/GC process, and multiple early work packages, the final phase of the Middlebury WCRS(23) Bridge Replacement project started in the fall of 2019 and forecasted to be complete in the summer of 2021. KCC had one season to prepare for an accelerated 10-week full railroad and road closure to install a Precast Cut/Cover Tunnel, and a final season to finish landscaping. This work would revitalize the downtown of Middlebury, solve railroad drainage and safety issues, and allow for passenger rail service to Middlebury.
Early winter of 2020, the Project Team dove into extreme operations planning sessions for what appeared to be an insurmountable task. This schedule had to incorporate the removal of a bridge, the excavation of 30,000 Yards of soil, installation of over 400 pieces of precast tunnel and wall sections, backfill and placement of new roadway decks, paving, and initial set and surface of railroad, all within a 10 week window and prior to September 21, 2020.
After planning, Kubricky needed to ensure that resources were available to match the demand of the aggressive schedule. There was little space adjacent to the work area and all deliveries and movement of materials needed to be coordinated daily.
The shutdown was executed without issue and all work was performed around the clock for 10 weeks. KCC implemented a robust instrumentation and monitoring plan that included automated seismographs, settlement monitoring, water treatment system, and noise reduction measures in place to minimize the impact to the community.
As a testament to the relationship KCC had with the community, owners would stop by to say, “thank you”. Local daycares came to get tours. The entire community came to support critical milestones such as start of excavation, setting of first tunnel piece, and the ribbon cutting when traffic resumed across the tunnel and rail traffic within the tunnel 3 days early on September 18, 2020.
DEW Construction
Building, New
Intermodal Multi-Purpose Construction
One Taylor Street
Housing, Transit Center, Multi-Use Path
Montpelier, VT
The One Taylor Street Housing and Transit Center is in the business district of Montpelier. The first iteration of a multi-modal building dates to the mid 90’s.
The City of Montpelier, together with the Taylor Street Limited Partnership officially contracted with DEW to construct affordable housing, a new state-of-the-art transit center, and expand the City’s shared-use path, addressing two major challenges affordable housing and access to public transportation.
the Green Mountain Transit bus terminal operates out of the first level of the four-story building. The upper three levels provide 30 units of housing, with a mix of affordable and market-rate apartments.
The shared-use recreational path connects One Taylor Street to Main Street. The path provides easy access through downtown for bicyclists, walkers and runners.
Multiple neighboring business/landowners were informed weekly of upcoming construction activity. DEW worked closely with the railroad as a scope of work crossed the tracks and under them in two areas. Superior communication and coordination across this complex partnership impacted bringing this project to a successful completion and delivering on each parties’ vision.
The site is a registered brownfield. Piles were driven along each grid line and a site-specific cap plan to separate the potentially contaminated dirt from the finish grade was implemented. The railroad track was within 15 feet of the building, and scissor lifts were used along the length of the building so as not to impede on the tracks.
Nearly 25 years after its inception, the project was completed in October 2019 – on-time, withing budget, with a superior safety record.
One Taylor is a value add for Montpelier and its residents.
S. D. Ireland Brothers Corporation
Renovation and Rehabilitation
1-89 Culvert Replacement and Pipe Lining
Georgia, VT
S. D. Ireland Brothers Corporation as General Contractor performing construction on the Georgia 1-89 Culvert Replacement and Pipe Relining projects.
The projects began on 11/4/19 and were completed on 5/15/20.
After the heavy rains of 2019 VTRANS contacted SD Ireland to immediately close down the exit ramp and begin 24-hour construction to replace the existing pipe with an 8' x 20' x 144' box culvert.
SDI provided the design and shop drawings of this structure within a few days and VTRANS quickly approved.
S D Ireland Precast Division immediately began precasting the box culvert at their shop and worked 24 hours a day to complete the fabrication of this structure.,
SD Ireland excavated 12,000 CY of soil to get to the subbase of the new box culvert The invert of the new structure was 32' below the existing roadway.
The precast structure was installed with a 275 ton crawler crane provided by CCS.
Backfill of the structure proceeded and was performed around the clock 24 hours a day.
Guardrails were replaced, the ramp was paved and traffic resumed travel on the exit ramp on 12-23-19.
The storm of 2019 eroded soil from around the downstream structure and another sinkhole appeared on 2-2-20 near the 1-89 NB travel lane shoulder.
These Best Builders were awarded to the following 11 Companies. I have included the Company name, the award name, Project name and the location.
E. F. Wall & Associates, Inc.
New Building, Specialty Construction
Natural Resource Innovation
Roxbury Fish Culture Station
Roxbury, VT
Reconstruction of the Roxbury Fish Culture Station, completed in September of 2020, is the last of the State of Vermont’s Irene recovery projects. Established in 1891, this fish hatchery is Vermont’s oldest hatchery. The hatchery’s restoration is an important resource to the State of Vermont in providing approximately 25,000 pounds of fish production annually, roughly 50,000 fish.
Site work commenced in March 2019. It was a wet spring, and temporary diversion trenching was expanded, and sump pumps were set up to control surface and spring water. Once the site was dry, and with over two miles of underground piping, site and building construction were expedited during the summer and fall of 2019. Concrete foundations for the influent, pavilion, and effluent treatment buildings, as well as the sludge and clarifier structures, were all installed in this period. After foundations for the pavilion buildings were complete, concrete work for the pavilion tanks began – requiring a two-stage slab, the first to provide an insert for the stainless steel tanks, the second to provide the finished slab after the tanks were installed.
This project required 41 tons of rebar and 700 cubic yards of concrete.
The facility incorporated many technologies designed to improve the health of the fish stock, and the quality of water leaving the site.
The new process treatment system includes an effluent structure that collects the sediments which are separated and Twice a year, the nutrient rich solid waste is pumped to trucks and used to fertilize agricultural lands.
Site improvements in the facility include more efficient sediment and stormwater controls of surface waters designed to meet current Vermont stormwater regulations.
there was no lost time accident out of more than 23,000 person hours. This accident rate reflects the essential commitment and paramount importance E. F. Wall places on safety practices throughout its operations.
J. P. Sicard, Inc
Specialty Construction
Alternative Transportation Renovation
Colchester Causeway Recovery
And Mitigation
Colchester, VT
The Colchester Causeway Recovery & Mitigation was an opportunity to work outside our normal project scope and exhibit Sicard’s abilities to create a strong, aesthetic place for the community to recreate & enjoy nature without being intrusive.
The location and footprint of the project presented many challenges. Mother Nature made us aware of her presence. From ice buildup to large waves crashing over the top of the path washing out the work in progress. It was back to the drawing board for the engineers, to modify the design. Everyone persevered.
The pressure was on the Sicard crew to move deftly as the equipment was almost as wide as the surface area they had to work on. Due to single file travel area, equipment had to be scheduled at ingress & egress to keep production flowing.
J.P. Sicard devised a special grapple attachment that allowed them to handle the large stones needed to line the sides of the path. It facilitated blending function and beauty. Being able to place stones in the most stable positions possible yet maintaining the vision of the owner.
With the Coronavirus Pandemic contributing to the delay of project completion, J.P. Sicard and crew were recognized for being able to complete the project a month ahead of the revised deadline. The crew recognized the importance of the bike path being available during these times of limited activities.
Safety is paramount to every aspect of a J.P. Sicard, Inc. project. They held customized toolbox talks that were project specific, and safety meetings internally and externally J.P. Sicard was successful in implementing COVID-19 safety measures as they returned to the project. J.P. Sicard concluded a successful project with no injuries and positive community comments. And NO COVID.
Engineers Construction, Inc.
Highway, Specialty
Outstanding Innovation and Design
Micro-Tunneling Drainage for
Middlebury Tunnel Project
Middlebury, VT
ECI was the "micro" tunneling subcontractor to Kubricky Construction for construction of the deep stormwater conveyance pipes for the railroad "tunnel" project. The three 60-in-dia drainage "micro" tunnels were launched from a 40-ft-dia by 35-ft-deep launch shaft constructed in the heart of busy downtown Middlebury.
Drilling, blasting, and rock stabilization for the launch pit was performed by Maine Drilling & Blasting.
The three micro tunnel drives ranged from 140 to 152 feet long. The boring unit is mounted at the front of steel casings and jacked forward with an auger boring machine from inside the launch pit. The electrically motorized head rotates as the steel casing transfers the applied jacking force from the auger boring machine system.
Successful rock tunneling involves selection of the proper equipment, rock tooling, and tunneling techniques. The project and ECI were recognized in Trenchless Technology Magazine and will be included in a technical paper and presentation with the Robbins Company at the North American Society of Trenchless Technology (NASTT) No-Dig 2020 Conference in Denver.
Micro tunneling below the city streets minimized the impact to the residents and merchants in downtown. It also reduced excavation, dewatering, and schedule.
This early work package contract established the necessary drainage for the upcoming Middlebury Tunnel project that involved lowering the existing railroad tracks to meet current car clearance standards, replacing the Merchants Row and Main Street Bridges, and covering the opening between the bridges with green space for the downtown area. This new railroad underpass through the center of downtown is the essence of the "Middlebury Tunnel".
ECI performed the project with no injuries or safety incidents.
Connor Contracting, Inc.
Building / Green Renovation
Community Development Facility
Sara Holbrook Community Center
Burlington, VT
Connor Contracting Inc. managed renovating the existing building and completing a 7,000 SF addition at The Sara Holbrook Community Center. The work began with demolishing two homes, remediating urban soils, and relocating utilities. The renovation and addition were accomplished simultaneously. New elements included a two-story, combination of structural steel and wood frame addition.
The addition was designed to use every square foot of the property. The second floor of the addition was elevated on concrete columns allowing for vehicles to park beneath.
Connor assembled a high-quality team of subcontractors, provided constructability input, value engineering opportunities, coordinated donor tours, and ensured the project was completed successfully with safety, quality, and budget at the forefront of every decision.
One of the biggest challenges was managing the project within a tight work site. The Center is located on North Avenue in Burlington, creating logistical challenges for deliveries and use of equipment such as cranes and pump trucks.
The project had stringent requirements for building envelope tightness and a maximum air leakage of 0.15 CFM/SF. This was no small task, especially in the renovation of the 1960’s era block building.
Every aspect of the project was designed with environmental impact in mind. In addition to everything associated with the efficiency of the building, four large underground filtration chambers were installed to eliminate stormwater runoff from entering the city's stormwater system. The building was also roughed in for future roof mounted solar panels.
Green Mountain Traffic Control Inc.
Highway, Innovation
Transportation Safety and Implementation
GMTC Deploy of AFAD’s in Vermont
Southern Vermont
GMTC Deploys Automated Flaggers in Traditional Human Flagger Settings Throughout Southern Vermont
At the outset of the pandemic in March 2020 Green Mountain Traffic Control determined to diversify staffing needs by agreeing to a 3-year contract for AFADs, or Automated Flagger Assistance Devices. With the need for social distancing, AFAD usage allows a single certified flagger/operator to remotely operate up to four automated flagging units from a safe vantage point. This safety enhancement allows for minimization of a flagger’s direct exposure to traffic by allowing them to control traffic through the flagging devices.
While training and deploying the units was accomplished with ease, making in-roads with governmental partners and contractors was far more challenging. The MUTCD contains language in the use of automated flaggers for states that allow them; however, Vermont did not.
Initially, a Zoom meeting was organized for a video demonstration with the AFAD vendor. Invitations went out to VTrans representatives, GMTC staff, and AGC. Next, trainings were performed at a local town-owned park and ride. The first scheduled live deployment occurred late March 2020 on Route 11 in Chester Vermont. Participating were Green Mountain Power foremen and Green Mountain Traffic Control staff. Later, a VTrans representative participated in a Bethel, VT work site. All AFAD applications must abide by the specific standards set forth in the MUTCD Section 6E.04.
Since March, 2020 automated flaggers, specifically the Guardian Smartflagger, have been deployed in work zones throughout Southern Vermont. Whether the application is for night or day work, this addition to our workforce has proven to increase flagger safety and versatility and it is an essential tool in the flagger safety toolbox.
Munson Earth Moving Corp.
Heavy, Specialty Construction
Aquatic New Construction
Roxbury Fish
Culture Station Improvements
Roxbury, VT
In September 2019, Munson Earth-Moving was awarded a specified scope of work from E.F. Wall & Associates, Inc. for the Reconstruction and Improvements to the Roxbury Fish Culture Station in Roxbury, Vermont. This facility had been damaged in August 2011, when Tropical Storm Irene barreled through Vermont, leaving it in desperate need of upgrades and reconstruction.
Munson Earth-Moving Corp. was responsible for excavation and installation of process piping, precast concrete manholes and pump stations, and trenching for underground electrical and oxygenation lines. A total of 5,300 linear feet of pipe was installed at the site
In the spring of 2020, Munson returned to the project site to assist with the mass excavation and grading, placements of roadway gravels, renovations of the existing ponds, and surface restoration.
Munson’s accomplishments included utilizing multiple crews which needed to work in conjunction with and simultaneously with several other subcontractors, all while maintaining a safe working environment.
The new facility is something that Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife “will showcase as a topnotch modern fish culture station providing quality fish for anglers” while being committed to maintaining high water quality for discharge and protecting the White River watershed. The facility will also offer outreach opportunities to schools, weekend visitors, and other fisheries professionals.
Casella Construction, Inc.
Highway, Renovation
Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction
Brandon NH 019-3 (496)
Brandon, VT
Casella Construction, Inc. began construction in Brandon in 2017. This project included 1.3 miles of infrastructure with water lines, sewer lines, stormwater filtration, underground utilities, and roadways. It involved widening and changing traffic flow through town, sidewalks and curbs, pavement markings, signs, and signal work for Brandon.
It was essential to make updates while still retaining the character of the town. Casella worked with the town to maintain pedestrian and parking access to businesses and residences. To minimize impact, Casella broke the project into smaller pieces and scheduled milestone dates. This allowed Casella to have individual start and completion dates and minimized disruptions. It is important to note that traffic counts through this project were 5,700 cars daily.
One of the biggest challenges was maintaining existing systems while constructing a new system within its current alignment. Half of the town’s utilities converge within this project, with some of the utilities’ piping being over 100 years old. To mitigate hazards of buried unknowns in advance of construction, Casella worked to confirm service locations and perform exploratory excavations at potential conflict locations. Temporary system bypasses were utilized to maintain system operation, reducing the disruption of the 4000 residents within the project limits.
Kubricky Construction Corporation
Heavy Industrial
New Construction
Middlebury WCRS(23)
Bridge Replacement Project
Middlebury, VT
After regulatory approvals, CM/GC process, and multiple early work packages, the final phase of the Middlebury WCRS(23) Bridge Replacement project started in the fall of 2019 and forecasted to be complete in the summer of 2021. KCC had one season to prepare for an accelerated 10-week full railroad and road closure to install a Precast Cut/Cover Tunnel, and a final season to finish landscaping. This work would revitalize the downtown of Middlebury, solve railroad drainage and safety issues, and allow for passenger rail service to Middlebury.
Early winter of 2020, the Project Team dove into extreme operations planning sessions for what appeared to be an insurmountable task. This schedule had to incorporate the removal of a bridge, the excavation of 30,000 Yards of soil, installation of over 400 pieces of precast tunnel and wall sections, backfill and placement of new roadway decks, paving, and initial set and surface of railroad, all within a 10 week window and prior to September 21, 2020.
After planning, Kubricky needed to ensure that resources were available to match the demand of the aggressive schedule. There was little space adjacent to the work area and all deliveries and movement of materials needed to be coordinated daily.
The shutdown was executed without issue and all work was performed around the clock for 10 weeks. KCC implemented a robust instrumentation and monitoring plan that included automated seismographs, settlement monitoring, water treatment system, and noise reduction measures in place to minimize the impact to the community.
As a testament to the relationship KCC had with the community, owners would stop by to say, “thank you”. Local daycares came to get tours. The entire community came to support critical milestones such as start of excavation, setting of first tunnel piece, and the ribbon cutting when traffic resumed across the tunnel and rail traffic within the tunnel 3 days early on September 18, 2020.
DEW Construction
Building, New
Intermodal Multi-Purpose Construction
One Taylor Street
Housing, Transit Center, Multi-Use Path
Montpelier, VT
The One Taylor Street Housing and Transit Center is in the business district of Montpelier. The first iteration of a multi-modal building dates to the mid 90’s.
The City of Montpelier, together with the Taylor Street Limited Partnership officially contracted with DEW to construct affordable housing, a new state-of-the-art transit center, and expand the City’s shared-use path, addressing two major challenges affordable housing and access to public transportation.
the Green Mountain Transit bus terminal operates out of the first level of the four-story building. The upper three levels provide 30 units of housing, with a mix of affordable and market-rate apartments.
The shared-use recreational path connects One Taylor Street to Main Street. The path provides easy access through downtown for bicyclists, walkers and runners.
Multiple neighboring business/landowners were informed weekly of upcoming construction activity. DEW worked closely with the railroad as a scope of work crossed the tracks and under them in two areas. Superior communication and coordination across this complex partnership impacted bringing this project to a successful completion and delivering on each parties’ vision.
The site is a registered brownfield. Piles were driven along each grid line and a site-specific cap plan to separate the potentially contaminated dirt from the finish grade was implemented. The railroad track was within 15 feet of the building, and scissor lifts were used along the length of the building so as not to impede on the tracks.
Nearly 25 years after its inception, the project was completed in October 2019 – on-time, withing budget, with a superior safety record.
One Taylor is a value add for Montpelier and its residents.
S. D. Ireland Brothers Corporation
Renovation and Rehabilitation
1-89 Culvert Replacement and Pipe Lining
Georgia, VT
S. D. Ireland Brothers Corporation as General Contractor performing construction on the Georgia 1-89 Culvert Replacement and Pipe Relining projects.
The projects began on 11/4/19 and were completed on 5/15/20.
After the heavy rains of 2019 VTRANS contacted SD Ireland to immediately close down the exit ramp and begin 24-hour construction to replace the existing pipe with an 8' x 20' x 144' box culvert.
SDI provided the design and shop drawings of this structure within a few days and VTRANS quickly approved.
S D Ireland Precast Division immediately began precasting the box culvert at their shop and worked 24 hours a day to complete the fabrication of this structure.,
SD Ireland excavated 12,000 CY of soil to get to the subbase of the new box culvert The invert of the new structure was 32' below the existing roadway.
The precast structure was installed with a 275 ton crawler crane provided by CCS.
Backfill of the structure proceeded and was performed around the clock 24 hours a day.
Guardrails were replaced, the ramp was paved and traffic resumed travel on the exit ramp on 12-23-19.
The storm of 2019 eroded soil from around the downstream structure and another sinkhole appeared on 2-2-20 near the 1-89 NB travel lane shoulder.
- This 11' vertical ellipse pipe was 580' long and crossed under 1-89 NB and SB lanes as well as Skunk Hill Road.
- In mid-February, installation of crossovers to direct NB traffic into the SB passing lane were constructed to get traffic away from the sinkhole growing under the NB lane. Asphalt for the crossovers was procured from Massachusetts because asphalt plants were closed in Vermont.
- A concrete mud mat was installed in the corroded bottom of the existing culvert to seal off ground water from infiltration.
- A 108" diameter x 620' polymer coated pipe was pushed into the culvert one section at a time by a skid steer and banded.
- A grout pump was utilized to fill the annular void between the pipes.
- A cast in place concrete head wall and cradle wall were installed.
Kingsbury Companies LLC
Municipal, Industrial
Infrastructure, Innovation and Design
Bennington WWTF Upgrades
Bennington, VT
The Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Upgrade for the Town of Bennington, Vermont was not your typical wastewater treatment plant upgrade. This complex job included replacing old systems with new, adding a new screening building and screen, upgrading the control systems and refurbishing the iron covers on three digesters that hadn’t been touched since the ‘80’s. The plant’s 5+ million gallon per day flows needed to remain in operation throughout the duration of construction making the installation of the new inlet piping and Screening Building construction extremely difficult.
Over the course of the project the construction team encountered unforeseen conditions, various owner generated design changes, and scheduling hurdles. The team worked closely with the Owner/Engineer to create solutions so work could continue moving forward with least impact to the project schedule and budget. Amongst removal of the spiderweb of piping in the Primary Digester gallery, the owner completely re-designed the system and the management team had to get revised materials on-site so that the digesters could be put back online before negative impacts of weather took hold.
Constructed in 1962, The plant processes 5.1 million gallons of wastewater per day from three surrounding towns, making this plant a vital part of the local community and one of the largest wastewater plants in the State.
To protect the neighboring residents and businesses, Kingsbury’s Safety, Risk and Health Manager worked with the Town Safety Officer and our subcontractor to ensure during the course of sandblasting and painting the three digester covers, all materials would be contained, Our team worked to construct containments around all the covers while battling wind, snow, and typical Vermont winter weather.
Job Hazard Analysis was performed for each portion of the work with customized training Particular attention to safety protocols was employed during the multi-crew, 24-hour construction period to guard against accidents caused by fatigue.
Over the span of the 16-month project, there were zero accidents or injuries.