Annual Events
Members of the AGC/VT family are strong, effective leaders in both the construction industry and the Vermont business community; They work tirelessly to build a robust, more vibrant Vermont. One of the many benefits of AGC/VT membership is the opportunity to network, engage, learn, and share experiences and the latest industry news. Every year, AGC/VT organizes a number of professional and social events designed to bring members together in a collaborative and comfortable setting.
A number of unique, high-visibility sponsorship opportunities are also offered at these events. If you are interested in having your company seen by hundreds, then please call us at (802) 223-2374 or email Debbie at
Skills USA Competition

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry representatives working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. The students that compete in the competitions come from the 16 Career and Technical centers around Vermont. The winner of each competition has the opportunity to participate in a National competition that is held in Kansas City, Missouri, later in the year.
AGC/VT and their members work to sponsor the following competitions. This event would not be possible, without the help and support of our members and the industry.
Fields of Competition:
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Cabinetry
- Carpentry
- Diesel Automotive
VMHA Equipment Day

Debbie Armstrong from the AGC/VT office helps the Vermont Municipal Highway Association organize and manage their field days. This is held at the Barre Municipal Auditorium, and many AGC/VT members are vendors at this event. The event is attended by the Vermont municipalities.AGC/VT member Ferguson Waterworks is one of the many vendors at the Vermont Municipal Highway Association's Annual Equipment Day
AGC Golf Tournament & Clam Bake

This annual event is held at the Lake Morey resort in Fairlee, Vermont. The tournament kicks off at Noon, with a Clambake cookout served later in the day. This is one of the most popular events of the year and features over 100 AGC/VT members, their employees and guests.
Black, White & Dusty Golf Tournament / VIECA's Annual Golf Tournament

Black for asphalt. White for Portland Cement Concrete. Dusty for gravel roads and dirt work. The Black-White-Dusty was started in 1938 by State Highway employees, contractors and suppliers. In 2013, the tournament celebrated its 75th Anniversary, and is held each year at the Crown Point Golf Course in Springfield.
Annual Meeting

Safety & Education Luncheon, Annual Board Of Directors Meeting, Presidents Reception & Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony
Join over 300 construction professionals for this annual event that is held the first Tuesday of December each year. The day kicks off with a luncheon that focuses on new safety in the industry, with the Annual Board Meeting to follow. The day is capped off with a dinner and Best Builder Awards ceremony. AGC/VT and VIECA members are chosen from a select field in a variety of categories for outstanding craftsmanship and dedication demonstrated in their projects. AGC/VT and VIECA offices award the prizes. Special awards are also presented.