Start Date: 1/16/2029 9:43 AM EST
End Date: 1/16/2029 9:43 AM EST
Venue Name: Associated General Contractors of Vermont
1 Graves Street
PO Box 750
Montpelier, VT United States 05601
Organization Name:
New England Crane School
New Operator Training and Certification Rookie Class (5 Day Course)
We offer a five-day entry-level class for aspiring operators that includes NCCER certification in the boom truck category. This class includes pre-work and homework assignments every night, and it is strongly recommended that participants stay in nearby hotels for the week if they have more than a one-hour commute to reach the class location. The schedule is as follows:
- Pre-work: Read NCCER Level One Mobile Crane Operator books, which will be mailed in advance
- Monday: Signal and rigging basics
- Homework: General knowledge practice tests
- Tuesday: Review general knowledge tests, inspection and set-up basics
- Wednesday: Practical training on the crane, further practice tests
- Thursday: Lift planning and load chart problems
- Friday: NCCER written exams
- Friday, Saturday or on a future date TBD: Practical exams scheduled based on the readiness of the operator
8:00 AM 5 Full Day Course Call New England Crane School at 303-817-5663 or go to to register or with any questions.