Event Calendar

Monday, January 15, 2029

Silica Competent Person *template*

Start Date: 1/15/2029 1:12 PM EST
End Date: 1/15/2029 1:12 PM EST

Venue Name: Associated General Contractors of Vermont

1 Graves Street
PO Box 750
Montpelier, VT  United States  05601

Organization Name: Associated General Contractors of Vermont

Debbie Armstrong
Email: debbie@agcvt.org
Phone: (802) 223-2374

Silica Competent Person (4 hour course) Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in such materials as sand, stone, concrete, and mortar. It's used to make glass, pottery, ceramics, bricks, and other products.
Silica, though, can also be a hazard. To better protect workers, OSHA issued new respirable crystalline silica standards.
Our Silica in Construction Competent Person training teaches the standard operating procedures needed to become a Respirable Silica in Construction Competent Person. A Silica Competent Person is defined by OSHA as someone who is "capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards" in the work environment and who is "authorized to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them." Superintendents, foremen, and safety representatives typically take on this role. This course is available in person.

12:00 PM to 4:00 PM 1/2 Day Course  

Member $100.00 Non/Member $135.00

Online Registration

Registration Opens
1/15/2029 1:12 PM

Registration Closes
1/15/2029 1:12 PM

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