Start Date: 1/1/2028 8:00 AM EST
End Date: 1/1/2028 12:00 PM EST
Venue Name: Associated General Contractors of Vermont
1 Graves Street
PO Box 750
Montpelier, VT United States 05601
Organization Name:
Associated General Contractors of Vermont
Confined Space (4 hour course) OSHA’s new rule on confined spaces in construction is in full effect as of October 2nd. This training video covers the changes in this rule. Construction and general industry employees both need to know about confined space entry rules and how the old and new standards relate to each other. Make sure your team stays safe in confined spaces, and keep compliant with the new OSHA regulation. This course is available in person.
Topics covered also include:
Permit-Required Confined Space regulations
Testing for hazardous atmospheres
Making a space as safe as possible
Step-by-step approach to safe entry
And more!
8:00 AM to 11:45 AM 1/2 Day Course
Member $100.00 Non/Member $135.00