Event Calendar

Monday, February 10, 2025

New England Crane School Signal & Rigging

Start Date: 2/10/2025 8:00 AM EST
End Date: 2/10/2025 4:00 PM EST

Venue Name: AGC/VT

1 Graves Street
PO Box 750
Montpelier, VT  United States  05601

Organization Name: New England Crane School

Email: anna@newenglandcraneschool.com
Phone: (303) 817-5663

Operator Recertification Training (2 Day course)
We certify operators through the NCCER (National Center for Construction Education and Research), and NCCCO (National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators), both of which are organizations nationally accredited through ANSI and recognized by OSHA.
Recertification is required every five years for both certs.  NCCER recertification consists of written and practical examinations in each crane type you were originally certified in.  Re-certification candidates are welcome in any of our regularly scheduled certification classes and you may choose to attend as much or as little of the prep class as you think you need.   We will offer shortened classes specifically for NCCER recert candidates.  They are composed of just one day of classroom prep, and one day for the written and practical testing.  Study materials will be sent to the candidates In advance along with homework assignments. 
NCCER recert classes are also open to operators who have not previously been certified, but who would like a fast-track option and are willing to study on their own.

8:00 AM 2 Full Day Course    Call New England Crane School at 303-817-5663 or go to www.newenglandcraneschool.com to register or with any questions.