Why Vote
- By: admin
- On: 08/08/2024 14:02:35
- In: Legislative Updates
I was just thinking, oh boy I haven't voted yet. Oh, what does it matter. My vote doesn't count anyways. Well, it does and voting is a fundamental part of our democratic process and has a significant impact on various aspects of society.
Here are some reasons why I and you should consider voting by tomorrow either in-person or absentee:
Here are some reasons why I and you should consider voting by tomorrow either in-person or absentee:
Voting impacts the future: Your vote can influence the direction of policies and decisions that will shape Vermont for years to come.
Voting is a hard-won right: Remember that the right to vote is a privilege that has been fought for over centuries,
Voting is important for civic engagement: It's a way to participate in your community, in Vermont and have a say in/on issues that affect your daily life.
Voting holds Vermont's politicians accountable: Vermont's elected officials are more likely to listen to the needs and concerns of their constituents if they know they will be held accountable at the polls.
Local impacts: The outcomes of local elections can have immediate effects on your community, from schools and public safety to local taxes and infrastructure.
We certainly learned this, this year. Your taxes, your say: Voting gives you a voice in how your tax dollars are spent and ensures that funds are allocated to areas that matter to you.
Rights are not guaranteed: The democratic process is dynamic, and rights can be eroded if not actively upheld through your participation in elections.
You matter... Vermont matters: Especially for young voters, engaging early in the electoral process can shape Vermont's future on issues like climate change, healthcare, and education.
Remember, every vote counts, and by casting yours, you're contributing to the democratic process and ensuring that your voice is heard. It's not just about the major elections; local and state elections are equally important and often have a more direct impact on your life. So, consider these reasons and exercise your right to vote!