Governor Scott Announces Full Reopening
Friday, April 9, 2021

Section: AGC/VT News

Wait a second, hold on!!! This great news comes with some important information we must discuss before we crack the champagne or sparkling cider. Thats why the full reopening chart is at the bottom and not top of this article. First, its important to understand that this reopening chart comes with some stipulations that we reach vaccination levels that will provide for "herd immunity".
Wait a second, hold on!!! This great news comes with some important information we must discuss before we crack the champagne or sparkling cider. Thats why the full reopening chart is at the bottom and not top of this article. First, its important to understand that this reopening chart comes with some stipulations that we reach vaccination levels that will provide for "herd immunity". In order for Vermont to move to Step 4 which is targeted for July 4, 2021 we must reach a statewide vaccination level of 60-70% for all Vermonters and those 16+ year olds must be at 70-85%. Early polling of construction personnel is showing that only 30-40% are stating they are definitely getting the vaccine when available. This could present a problem moving forward.

Another very important point to make is that the chart below only relates to peoples personal lives. Businesses will still be following at minimum the states universal guidance for operation. This means distancing, santitation and yes masks will be in effect through the foreseeable future. 40 AGC/VT and VIECA members attended a meeting with Richard Wobby and Matt Musgrave last week to discuss the 1st draft of the AGC/VT COVID 3.0 plan. Part of the meeting was a discussion on how to encourage their staff to get vaccinated, dealing with a mix of non-vax and vaxed individuals, appropriate ways to discuss vaccination and some shared frustration that staff will push back against wearing masks. 

Its very important that employers understand the difference between the chart below and how companies will run but most importantly how to discuss this with staff. Its also important and certainly a good carrot to show how vaccination percentages will relate to their personal lives opening up to more normalcy. You can always reach out to us here at AGC/VT with any questions 802-223-2374.