2023 AGC/VT Annual Meeting Success
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Section: AGC/VT News

The AGC/VT 2023 Annual Meeting was a complete success at our new location at the Hilton Burlington, Vermont on the Lake Champlain waterfront. We usually start at the beginning, but this time we will start with the end: the grand finale fireworks!!

Thanks to our sponsor Casella Waste Systems we were able to pull together the efforts of many members to put together a spectacular fireworks display on the waterfront. We were able to launch a barge and don it with a professional fireworks display that was heard all the way to Essex Junction. You can check out the grand finale of the fireworks to your left ----->

The fireworks capped off a great night where as a group we celebrated with the theme of "AGC/VT Cares About Vermont". We started our annual meeting with an all online day on Tuesday, December 5th with an opening keynote from Senator Peter Welch. Next we held great breakouts from the Agency of Natural Resources, Buildings and General Services, Catamount Consulting, a new online training program, and Macrina Wilkins an economist from AGC of America giving us an outline of what to expect in our future economy.

Wednesday, December 6th was all in person at the Hilton Burlington opening with Reid Wobby from VTHCs breakout on Diseases of Despair, and attorney Pietro Lynn on dealing with risks in contracting. After the morning breakouts we moved to our luncheon where we recognized contractors who have partnered with VOSHAs Safety Alliance Program. Then we held a round table discussion about mental health with VT Department of Healths Stephanie Busch, Reid Wobby of VTHC, Tim Badley of Sana of Stowe, and Kathy Murphy Moriarty of Invest EAP. After lunch we had two breakouts including State Treasurer, Mike Pieciak with an outlook on Vermonts economy and in the other was Vermont Technical College and some students learning about jobs in Vermont.

The day of meetings ended with our legislative team. First, the lobbying team Matt Musgrave, Heather Shouldice and Emma Shouldice gave an update on the associations 6 top priorities for the session that included housing, protecting important state funding for projects, workforce, employer relations and right to repair proposals. After the lobbying team we invited Vermonts Speaker of the House Jill Krowinski, Representative Butch Shaw (transportation committee), Senator Chris Bray (natural resources committee), and Senator Randy Brock (economic development committee) to talk about their respective roles in our priorities and their plans you can read about in this weeks legislative update.

Then we turned to our dinner in the Adirondack Ballroom. The setting was perfect for the sold out seating. We had great food and our own Richard Wobby took to the stage for our best builder awards. Prior to the awards Richard took the time to recognize to long serving members.. First he recognized our recently lost Mac McLaughlin from Breadloaf for his commitment to the organization. Next Richard recognized Jim Murphy owner of ADA Traffic Control, LTD who was in attendance for his continuing work for the general contractors of Vermont. Then we went on to recognize our award winners with great videos of the projects they completed. 

Congratulations to our award winners:

- H.P. Cummings Construction Co.
- S.D. Ireland Brothers Corporation
- Kirk Fenoff and Son Excavation LLC
- Kingsbury Companies, LLC
- Neagley and Chase Construction Co.
- Bread Loaf Corporation
- DEW Construction
- J.A. McDonald, Inc.

A huge thanks to our sponsors:


ADA Traffic Control 

Bolduc Metal Recycling 

Casella Waste Management 

CCS Crane Service 


Employee Assistance Program 

Four Seasons Traffic Control 

Green Mountain Flagging 

H. P. Cummings Construction 

HUB Risk Insurance 

J. P. Sicard 

Jet Service Envelope 

Kittell, Branagan and Sargent 

Kingsbury Companies 

Kubricky Construction 

Lafayette Highway Specialties 

L D Safety Marking Corporation and SOLO Corporation 

Marshall Tire Group 

Northfield Savings Bank 

S.D.  Ireland 

William Shouldice and Associates 

The Rowley Agency