AGC/VT Spring Safety Series
On Monday February 1st, we will start a new safety series for our construction and VIECA members. The Spring Safety Series will run from February 1 and every Monday through April 19th. It is available to aid companies with their callbacks and company safety days. In light of the fact, that due to the pandemic companies will be unable to meet in large groups to provide safety training and refresher courses, AGCVT and VIECA have partnered to provide a well-rounded training series. This series will be FREE to all members and their employees. Companies can share this link with their employees and employees can join the series live on Mondays from the comfort of their homes on their tablet, phone or computer or your offices. The session will be taped and companies can access the Spring Safety Series Video Vault for future reference throughout the construction season. The Spring Safety Series continues this Monday at 7am with a 2 hour session on OSHA Focus Four. Numerous safety professionals will join us throughout the series and share their expertise in the following areas:
Mondays at 7am
OSHA Focus Four
Excavating and Trenching
Operator and Road Safety
Supervisor Communications
Falls and Fall Protection/Ladders
MSHA Workplace Exams and Task Training
Supervisor/Foreman Time Management
Internet Security
PPE/Respiratory Protection/Silica
VOSHA Top 10 and How to handle an inspection
Confined Space
Mobile Elevated Working Platforms/Powered Industrial Trucks/Forklifts
Safety and Health Program Requirements.
Again, we look forward to having you join us. This is pretty easy there’s no signup required. Just share the link and your employees are good to go.
Spring Safety Series
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
- One-touch: tel:+18722403212,,208696525#
Access Code: 208-696-525