AGC-Backed Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Set to Become Law
Friday, November 12, 2021
Section: AGC National

Members send Nearly 100,000 Messages to Congress to Make it Happen

On Monday, November 15, President Biden will sign the AGC-backed Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), into law. This bill will become law after a determined effort by AGC and its members—sending nearly 100,000 messages to Congress—to push it over the top. As a reminder, AGC put together this summary and also this myth v. fact document. Additionally, a breakdown of what’s in the bill for each construction market can be found here: Highway Contractors(link is external)Utility Contractors(link is external)Direct Federal Contractors(link is external)Building Contractors(link is external); and Other Markets(link is external) (Transit, Rail, Waterways, Airports).

The IIJA is the most significant infusion of investment in our infrastructure since the enactment of the Interstate Highway System in the mid-1950’s. It provides market opportunities for transportation contractors, heavy contractors, building contractors and utility contractors. And, it demonstrates to our existing and future workforce that there is sustainable work in the years to come.