Annual Meeting Program
December 7, 2021 Virtual Only Click on the titles to connect to the session
8:00-9:00 am | Opening Ceremonies Keynote- Congressman Peter Welch Sponsor- Kubricky Construction Corp. Kicking off Annual Meeting 2021 is our Congressman Peter Welch who has just announced his run for the next Vermont Senator. The will give us an inside look at Washington DC, and share some of his priorities for Vermont in 2022. |
9:30-10:30 am BREAKOUTS |
Agency of Natural Resources Presenters- Secretary Julie Moore and Commissioner Peter Walke Sponsor- J.P. Sicard, Inc. Join the agency for a discussion on topics that contractors and Vermont’s ecology. Our presenters will discuss clean water programs, state climate goals/programs, and permitting. They will also be able to discuss opportunities for contractors such as wastewater treatment facility replacements and climate resiliency projects. VOSHA Presenters- Dan Whipple & Karl Hayden Sponsor- Marshall Tire Group, Inc. Both AGC/VT and VOSHA have undertaken a major project to create a partnership between contractors and the agency in 2021. Come hear about the continued efforts of our presenter and his team working along with AGC/VTs Safety and Training Committee which will help contractors comply, provide safety, and avoid fines through an alliance with the agency. Economic Outlook for Vermont 2022 Presenters- Thomas E. Kavet and Dr. Nicolas O. Rockler- Kavet, Rockler & Associates Sponsor- Kittel, Branagan & Sargent How is our continuing recovery from COVID shutdowns? What, if any, implications from inflation will impact my business? Are our supply chain issues going to continue? Join Vermont’s top economists to contemplate Vermont’s 2022 outlook. |
11:00-12:00pm BREAKOUTS |
Agency of Transportation Presenters- Secretary Joe Flynn, Ann Gammell and Jeremy Reid Sponsor- ADA Traffic Control LTD Representatives from the agency will join us to have a discussion of VTRANS programs and the contractor community. We will get to hear feedback on the 2020 season which will have just ended and some reports from pilot programs. We will hear about new safety programs to protect workers and an update on their intentions for the newly passed Federal Infrastructure bill funding. FMCA and Are You Up To Speed? Presenters- Terry Reil, Tony Facos & Capt. Kevin Andrews Sponsor- Project Roadsafe Shortages of drivers, new safety programs and the alcohol clearing house registration will be just a few topics from our presenters. Pro drivers and fleet managers will get the updates needed to stay ahead of the curve in 2022. AGC/VT Workforce Development Presenters- Shawn Rouleau- Workforce Development Director Sponsor- Kingsbury Companies Join AGC/VTs new Workforce Development Director to have a look at your associations new program to drive applicants to your business. Shawn will describe many different programs we are rolling out and a new job board/recruitment tool exclusive to AGC/VT members. |
1:00-2:00pm | 2022 Legislative Preview and Priorities Presenters- House Speaker Jill Krowinski and Senate Pro Tem Becca Balint Sponsor- Jet Service Envelope & Accura Printing Join us for a discussion with legislative leadership to have an inside preview of the 2022 session in Montpelier. The Speaker and Pro Tem will outline their policy priorities, discuss how they will meet while continuing to deal with COVID-19 and their plans for the state. |
2:30-3:30pm BREAKOUTS |
Agency of Commerce and Community Development Presenters- Secretary Lindsay Kurrle and Jessica Vintinner Sponsor- Casella Construction This agency was and is one of the most critical points of contact during the COVID pandemic. First assembling the Restart Vermont committee, becoming a single point of contact for guidance, and pivoting to providing business continuity grants protecting workers and employers. This is your chance to hear their perspective and outlook. Succession Planning- Timing, Risks & Increased Value Presenters- Tim Cope- NFP & Dave Gurtman- Dinse & Dave Grippin- Grippin Donlan Pinkham Sponsor- NFP Property and Casualty The AGC/VT Associate Committee this year arranged for a great program revolving around business continuity and succession. They will present “8 ways to exit your business”, discussions about valuation, tax strategies and insurance implications. Federal Infrastructure Legislation- What we need to know. Presenters- Jimmy Christianson- AGC of America Sponsor- VHB What does the passage of the Federal Infrastructure legislation mean to my business here in Vermont? Our presenter and his team worked directly with the US Senate and Congress lobbying for the bill, generated member involvement through outreach campaigns and had a major impact getting the bill across the finish line. Come hear how they did it and what it brings to Vermont. |
9:00-12:00pm | AGC/VT Board of Directors Meeting Amphitheater |
Concrete Board of Directors Meeting Diamond II |
11:00-12:00pm | Workforce Challenges Diamond I Presenters- Heidi Williams, Scott McKenna & Stacy Spector Sponsor- Catamount Consulting Discover the 7 steps to positive retention within your company. The folks from Catamount Consulting will give you an introduction to their 7-part series that they will provide for AGC/VT members this spring. |
12:30-1:30pm | Rising Star Awards- “Young Women Craftspeople” Expo Hall Sponsor- SD Ireland We continue our annual tradition of recognizing your people in the workforce focusing this year on young women craftspeople. Presenting this year’s awards is our friend Secretary Lindsay Kurrle from ACCD. We look forward to honoring this year’s young women. |
1:30-2:00pm | AGC of America Address and Keynote Expo Hall Sponsor- PC Construction Presenters- Steve Sandherr, CEO and Robert Lanham, President Join us with AGC of Americas leadership for an update for what we are doing at a national level. We will hear about the efforts the association is making to avoid unnecessary COVID protocols, opposition to the “human” infrastructure proposal known as Build Back Better and other policies at the Federal level. |
2:30-3:30pm BREAKOUTS |
Buildings and General Services Amphitheater Sponsor- DEW Construction Corp. Presenters- Commissioner Jennifer Fitch and Joe Aja Join BGS for a discussion on state capital spending, feedback on the 2021 season and outlook for 2022. In addition to our normal discussion, we will outline a presentation that we are working on with the agency to approach the legislature about dealing with challenges due to increasing costs of supplies, regulatory framework and workforce challenges that lead to higher and higher project costs. Drugs in the Workplace Diamond I Sponsor- VTHC Safety Consultants Presenters- Reid Wobby- Kingsbury Construction Co Join one of our own as we dive into the challenges due to safety on our worksites due to drugs and alcohol. You will hear best practices from an AGC/VT member about putting together substance abuse safety programs and will gain an understanding of the correlation between drugs and alcohol in 2021. Hiring Pit Diamond II Sponsor- Vermont Technical College Future workforce from Vermont Technical College will be joining contractors for brownies, ice cream and speed hiring. These folks are looking for jobs and/or internships. We supply the brownies, and you bring the jobs. |
3:30-6:00pm 6:30-9:00pm |
Casella Expo Center Opening Expo Hall Join us for the floor opening and check out the booths of our member presenters while enjoying a cocktail. Learn about a new product or service and connect with our partners. Best Builders Awards Banquet The Rowley Beach Stage in Emerald Ball Room Although we are not meeting on the virtual island like the previous year The Rowley Beach Stage has been moved out of the cloud to the Doubletree and will be the place for our popular dinner, and awards banquet. |